Throughout his 27 years at Eggleston, Nick White has overcome numerous obstacles and taken on new challenges that he never could have previously imagined. As a laundry worker, he is committed to learning everything he can about the equipment and processes needed to be successful in his job while at the same time building relationships with his colleagues to help the entire company succeed. He is a fast learner and well-versed in all aspects of the trade.
Nick credits his mother with helping him stay positive and happy in the face of everyday challenges. She initially encouraged him to seek new job opportunities and helped him transition to the place he’s called home for almost three decades - Eggleston. Learning from her example, he moves fast, says yes to every opportunity available, and tries to be a good example to his teammates.
Even in the face of the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Nick’s commitment to his job at Eggleston remained unwavering. As an essential worker in an industry that continued in-person operations, he demonstrated remarkable adaptability and resilience, adjusting his approach to ensure his continued presence at work.
With the support of Eggleston, Nick has triumphed over the challenges posed by his disabilities. The organization has provided accommodations such as help with transportation and adjusted training programs, enabling him to excel in his role. His dedication to learning and mastering the laundry responsibilities has earned him several accolades, including the prestigious Employee of the Year award. Nick's future plans include further enhancing his skills and knowledge, and serving as a role model for others.
Nick appreciates that his career has given him the financial freedom to pursue personal interests - seeing movies with his brother and family, going out to eat, and spending time with his cat Smokey.
“It is important to rely on others for help when you need to, but you should work hard and be a good person,” says Nick. “Always be nice, always say yes, and be willing to help others.”