Katie Galloway’s life was forever changed following a 2013 car accident that left her paralyzed from the chest down. Unfettered by the new set of challenges that lay ahead, Katie buckled down and focused on recovery.
During her recovery, Katie connected with employment specialists who helped her navigate a path back to work. They introduced her to InspiriTec, an AbilityOne social enterprise that matched Katie with a Customer Care Representative position at the Army Service Center in Ft. Knox, Kentucky.
The stability offered by InspiriTec allowed Katie to continue living independently and raising her three children. Working at InspiriTec meant that her supervisors and colleagues treated Katie with understanding and patience from day one – providing technology to support limited hand mobility and designing her schedule around her unique medical needs, including surgeries and doctor appointments.
Thanks to her advanced problem-solving and leadership skills, Katie has not only adapted to her disability but excelled in her career at InspiriTec. Today, she is a certified trainer at her facility, a testament to her perseverance and professional growth.
Katie recognizes the need to give back and advocate for others facing similar challenges. She participated in SourceAmerica’s Grassroots advocacy program and shared her experience with members of Congress.
To others facing a lifelong or sudden disability, Katie reminds them of Les Brown's quote, “Life has no limitations except the ones you make.”